The Nutrition for Performance BLOG
The Nutrition for Performance BLOG
Helping You Understand Ozempic: A Medicine for Diabetes
What is Ozempic and how does it work? Ozempic is a medicine that helps people control their blood sugar levels. Diabetes is a disease that affects how your body uses sugar for energy. When you eat food, your body breaks it down into a sugar called glucose. Glucose...
Tired of Losing Weight Just to Gain it Back? Debunking the Top 5 Fad Diets
Over the years, many diets have claimed to be the “end-all-be-all” for your weight-loss journey. You’ll “get slim quick,” “kick your baby fat fast,” or “get ripped without hitting the gym.” The truth is, most of the diets are a sham. Unfortunately, many people get...
Are You Drinking Enough Water? 3 Reasons Hydration Is Important
Drinking enough water each day is crucial to our health for many reasons: To deliver nutrients to cells, keep organs functioning properly, and regulate body temperature… not to mention mood, sleep, and cognition. Experts recommend drinking roughly 11-15 cups of water...
Is Your Fear of Fats and Carbs Keeping You From Reaching Your Fitness Goals? Four Limiting Beliefs About Diet
When it comes to nutrition, many of us actually believe a ton of myths that couldn’t be further from the truth. If you’re burnt out on fad diets, lost your faith in influencers, and tired of hitting the gym daily, only to never see results… the first step is to...
Takeaways From “The Game Changers”
The Game Changers, produced by James Cameron, is a new documentary that pushes a plant-based diet. It argues that eating any animal product can cripple athletic performance. Furthermore, it can create major heart problems and cause you to have smaller and shorter...
Pre and Post Workout Nutrition Tips
It’s Thursday afternoon, you’re just getting off work, and you need to decide if you should workout or finish your current show on Netflix. Decisions, decisions … You have really been making an effort to walk 10,000 steps a day, hit a yoga class at least once a week...